Saturday, March 27, 2010

10x Wasabi Power Ownage

my wife wrote a lot today! she read me an awesome article tonight too, while i ran heroics. it was a good night, a fun night, after a great day as well. we went to our little nephew carter's 2nd birthday party and played with the kids. i've been up all day, since 7am. can you believe it? i hardly can. and now i'm pretty tired, so it's basically bedtime but i've got to write something here because it is a daily blog, after all. woot! let's see. what else can i say?

we went to whole foods today, just to get sushi for christin. i ended up buying vegan turkey because i thought it wasn't real [it is] and i ate a vegan turkey sandwich for dinner. well the mayonnaise on it certainly wasn't vegan, but it was meatless. it tasted... normal at first, but the longer i spent on eating it, the worse it was. it was gross in the end, and i didn't finish about the last third of the thing so i'll probably end up feeding the rest of the meat to the dog unless i can find a better use for it. i suppose doing like damien in mean girls may be an entertaining use. ;-D

hopefully the boca chicken patties will be better.

tomorrow is church, which is exciting because we're actually physically going there this time as opposed to last week where we watched it on t.v. which was pretty unfulfilling. we should most likely get up a little early and listen to last week's service so we can be caught up on jonah. but most of pastor bruce's sermons work as stand-alone messages even if you don't hear them in context, but it's always better to do so. we'll see how we feel in the morning. my tooth is killing me and it's time for me to go to sleeping time.

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