Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tariq Trotter

today i made this. i rather like the song, but i'm not sure what i think about the video. it's mostly just macro shots from my front yard on a gloomy looking day, which gave it the right vibe for the song. i upped the blues on all the color correction to make it extra depressing, but with a twinge of hopefulness. i hope it was effective. i've been updating individual pages on my website every time i put up a new video, so if you go there, you'll likely see a blurb on the song and video and a little bit of commentary. also, you can buy the song here. ← as if you didn't know.

today was a really, really long day, and i've been up way too late again. i'm pretty much going to hate my life tomorrow, and i don't know if i'll make it 'til 5:30 at work. we'll see how that goes. then on friday, we've got a rehearsal dinner for the wedding christin is in... at a seafood restaurant. oh joy of my life. i have no idea what i'm going to eat, if anything at all, but their menu says they have mac & cheese as a side, which is pretty winsauce. maybe i'll just get that. but that's 2 days away. focus, bud. one day at a time.

edit: speaking of 2 days away, it's friday now, and i've just realize that i didn't actually post this last night when i was supposed to have done. silly!

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