Tuesday, April 26, 2011


i'm not fooling anyone. people who follow my blog regularly know that i've been behind for almost an entire week now, and i'm not going to pretend that i remember what happened on tuesday or wednesday, because i don't. instead, i'm going to talk a bit about honesty. it's part of the reason i started this blog in the first place, to be honest with myself and give an honest disclosure of my personal life to my friends and family who read this regularly. it turned into an almost entirely boring, hum-drum recollection of the day's events and reflected a very shallow representation of who i am as a person, as though the things i do day-in and day-out define me.

which, i assure you, they do not.

however, this is not to say that i'm having some sort of revelation [i've known this for a long time now] and will only post substantive things from now on. that's likely not true, as i can only think of so many creative and interesting post topics, and filling up a daily blog with them would be, well, really freaking hard. i could do it, sure, but i don't really want to. scratch that — i do want to. it would be really good for me to do that, and it would improve my writing and deadling-meeting skills even more than my heavy video-making schedule has already. the real, honest truth of it all is that i don't have time for it.

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