Monday, August 16, 2010

Banjo Face Kazooie

music face is the new banjo face. today is one of those days where i don't feel like blogging, and i did so much that i don't feel like recounting it all. but alas, here i shall attempt a brief explanation and exposition! the most important thing that i did today was get new car insurance, which is great for many reasons, the best of which being that we are now getting better coverage and paying quite a bit less money per month. great news. i also got stuff together to apply for a health care service the state offers, did schoolwork, mowed the lawn, cleaned the bathroom and ran a few other errands. all in all, it was quite the eventful and productive day.

i apologize in advance for that first paragraph sounding like a third grader's rousing short essay about what he did for his summer vacation, complete with boring information and poor prose. the night was spent raiding [crimson halls down] which went quite well. our new raid team, which one-shot sindragosa last night, got to phase 3 of the lich king fight with everyone alive on our first night of attempts. i see the kingslayer title in my immediate future. i also got exalted with the ashen verdict, which gives me a stylin' new ring.

blogging about my day-to-day is boring, and blogging about world of warcraft is quite esoteric and also uninteresting for a lot of people. i'm not sure what i should be doing differently on days like this where i don't have much else to say. anything else i would've said here i said in today's buelification video, which you should check out. i'm not going to link it because i haven't uploaded it yet, but you can see the channel here. daily blogging. it's the pits! goodnight.

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