Thursday, February 18, 2010

No Man's Slave

re-launching my blog is something i've been meaning to do for a long time, but just haven't actually done it yet. this blogspot has been drifting in cyberspace for too long, so i've decided tonight is the night that two become one... wait, that's the spice girls. why do i know that? oh yeah, i have a little sister.

anyway, today was comprised mainly of doing a bit of work on the website i'm working on [no link at this time, i'm not getting paid for publicity — yet] and my normal duties as 'manny' for the wondrous mckenzie and such. i was supposed to fast today, not because of lent or anything, but just because last night i had an inkling to do so. i remembered to for the morning, but once i went to make the kid her lunch, i completely forgot and instinctively ate her leftovers. silly me. did a bit of last-minute schoolwork tonight, which i do frequently, so i missed small group again.

something that will be in the works soon, as far as my public persona [or lack thereof at this point] is concerned will be a daily vlog. as some readers may know, i do a great deal of watching on youtube, and have a fair amount of interaction among the group. i've also begun to utilize the social networking medium which i once referred to as the great satan as a way to communicate with those whom i don't normally communicate. it's quite interesting, and i've seen a fair amount of success in that avenue. but yes, the daily vlog.

the daily vlog will be called '廣東話對VLOG' which is somewhat of a chinese pun. the name came from my previous experience with pimsleur's cantonese course, which i've come to develop quite a distaste for, because of a phrase they used all the time: 'listen to this cantonese conversation' and the way the cantonese speaking guy said it was so funny. anyway, the subject of the vlog will be my wife and i learning chinese together. this will motivate us to learn chinese as well as keep up retention for both of us, which is so important since we live so far away from chinese speakers in general. it will also give others who may be interested in learning an outlet for that.

speaking of my wife, it's getting harder to be without her, and the days feel longer as march 1st approaches. i love her so. i ask anyone reading to please pray that we would be patient and wait for one another and not despair as the time we've been apart increases. also, please pray that my situation with my car's registration is taken care of — i don't really want to drive all the way to maryland with expired tags. hopefully the dmv will take care of it.

tomorrow: work on website.
saturday: smog, write sermon.
sunday: preach, finish website.

it's gonna be a loooooong weekend. ;-/


  1. The time is near yet 14 or so days feels like an eternity. The year 2010 has started off extremely tough as I have not had you by my side. I miss you and long for your embrace, for your touch. I am excited to start the next chapter of our life. I will call this chapter "waiting and lonely." the next one when you get here will be "together again". Hehe. I'm not very poetic today. I love you and look forward to studying Cantonese with you and making a vlog and aiming toward the goal of Hong Kong and other goals as well. Things feel like they are on hold right now because it's no good making decisions when we aren't together to discuss them. Bah. So when you get here we can start the ball rolling toward the plethera of goals and ideas we have. I love you. Excited by your blog. I will read it everyday! Hehe. That is, if you write in it everyday. Xoxox. Ngoh oi nei. (I will not attempt to write in Chinese).

  2. just think of it as a 'pause' for the moment. ;-D 我都愛你㗎.

  3. I admire what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the comments that this is working for you as well.
    Intensive Cantonese Course
